Tenba carries backpacks, waist packs, hard cases, lens bags, rolling bags, and about a half dozen more. Pouches are perfect for point and shoot cameras. They are compact yet still provide enough cushioning to keep the camera safe. The same can be said for waist packs; they have just enough room for a camera and a small amount of items.
Backpacks aren't just good for trekking through rough mountain terrain. Some find them more comfortable to wear since you can more easily support the weight of extra gear. Rolling bags and cases are the ideal choice when lugging around heavier pieces of equipment and/or just a lot of accessories. Some are even designed specifically to house your lighting equipment, such as the Tenba Large Lighting Case. Both styles are available in various sizes to meet your equipment needs and almost all their products will fit in the overhead compartments of airplanes.
Most of Tenba's carrying cases also feature a removable photo interior to make life even simpler. Tenba cases are highly durable, waterproof, and provide plenty of compartments so you're not stuck lugging several different bags.
Popular Tenba collections include Shootout which is tough enough to handle rugged outdoor conditions, Mixx for those who need lightweight, yet durable cases, and Roadies for photographers who need wheeled cases for heavy duty equipment. Take a closer look at the Shootout Photo Sling Bag below and be sure to check out Tenba's other videos to learn more about each collection.
SuperDigitalCity.com is proud to be an authorized dealer for Tenba, offering a large selection of their wonderful products.
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